TIP PA Senior

  • Cover for loss of
    life, limp sight, and
    total permanent disability

    1,000,000 Baht

  • Cover for
    medical traetment
    cause by accident up to

    50,000 Baht

  • Cover insured from age

    55-80 year
    can renewal
    upto 99 year

coverage / conditions / application for insurance

  • Cover for Lost of life, dismemberment, loss of sight, or total permanaent disability
  • Cover for medical treament cause by an accident
  • Cover for bone fracture, burn wound, scald wound, or any injury cause by an accident
  • Cover for wheelchair cost
  • Cover for ambulance in case of emergency accident
  • Extra coverage in the case of loss of life, dismemberment, loss of sight, or total permanent disability
Terms and Conditions
  • Cover insured age between 55-80 year and can berenewal up to 99 year who is healthy, don't have any dismemberment, sane, and don't have any congenital disease
  • This insurance policy is limited to 1 per per 1 policy
  • Company have right to adjust premium, coverage, or term and condition base on insured information which can have an additional risk
  • This proposal can use up to 30 days after the propose date
  • Coverage and exclusion will base on the conditions of the TIP PA Senior
Insurance application form

TIP PA Senior Proporsal >> Click <<

Contact for inquiries / other details or more information

For further infornations please contact

Accident and Health department
Tel. 0-2239-2200 ext 4132, 2078, 1902, 1903, 4134, 4135, 1114, 1118, or 2082

Compare Coverage

Coverage Sum insured
Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4
1.Cover for loss of life, dismemberment, loss of sight, or total permanent disability        
1.1because of accident 100,000 300,000 500,000 1,000,000
1.2because of malicious act or murduring 100,000 300,000 500,000 1,000,000
1.3because of driving or passenging motorcycle 100,000 300,000 500,000 1,000,000
2.Medical treatment cost from an accident (per accident and per time) 10,000 30,000 50,000 50,000

3.coverage for bone fracture, burn wound, scald wound, or any injury cause by an accident

10,000 30,000 50,000 50,000

4. Cover for wheelchair cost (annually)

1,000 3,000 5,000 5,000
5. Cover for ambulance expense in the case of emergency accident
(per accident / up to 3 times a year)
1,000 3,000 5,000 5,000
6. Extra coveragein the case of loss of life, dismemberment, loss of sight, or total permanent disability

10,000 annually

pay continuosly for 5 year

will be
in total


pay continuosly for 5 year

will be
in total

50,000 annually

pay continuosly for 5 year

will be
in total


pay continuosly for 5 year

will be
in total

6.1 Alimony cost for insured who are dismemberment, loss of sight, or total permanent disability from an accident
6.2 Financial support for child or grand child in case of insured loss of life from an accident
Premium including stamp duty for 1 year coverage (Baht / person)
Age 55-80 year (Can be renewal up to age 99 year) 1,200 2,700 4,200 6,000
Premium including stamp duty for 1 year coverage (Baht / person)
Age 55-80 year (Can be renewal up to age 99 year) 3,300 7,500 11,700 16,400
Premium including stamp duty for 1 year coverage (Baht / person)
Age 55-80 year (Can be renewal up to age 99 year) 5,300 13,000 18,800 27,200


International insurance standards

with ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 systems

We stand stable with major shareholders from leading companies

  • ptt
  • krungthai
  • ธนาคารออมสิน
certified company


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